Explore Our Available Comprehensive Laboratory Tests

Note that these tests are Functional Lab Tests. This is different from the diagnostic tests that a doctor uses. There is some overlap, but the general intention is different. A doctor is trying to diagnose your problem. The typical person with a chronic health condition has had lots of those tests, and the doctor may or may not have been able to tell you what is wrong with you. A functional test is not trying to determine a diagnosis. Instead, we are finding out how the body is functioning. We are investigating many of your bodily systems, so we can find as many lifestyle-change healing opportunities as we can.

Standard Tests Used for Each Client

This is a saliva test that looks at your hormones and immune system. It checks your numbers for cortisol, DHEA-S, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin, and sigA.

This test uses a dried urine sample and is part of two tests that look at digestion, detoxification, immunity, and oxidative stress.

This test uses a dried blood sample. It also looks at digestion, detoxification, immunity, and oxidative stress.

This tests a blood sample for food sensitivities. A good thing about this test is that you don't have to have recently eaten the food for it to determine you are sensitive. It also provides a number for how sensitive you are, as opposed to a simple yes/no. This is the only test that requires you to go to a local testing lab in your town to have blood drawn. For the other tests, you are able to collect samples yourself at home.

This is an extensive online questionnaire that determines what general diet is best for you.

Other Tests

There is a long list of other tests that I can access, but they are not in my standard program. An example is hair tissue mineral analysis.