Blog Post

Quit Antiperspirants

A few months ago I quit using an antiperspirant underarm deodorant for the first time in my adult life. I wasn’t putting anything on my underarms. The first several days were rough as I noticed I was much more stinky. So, I was taking daily showers and wiping my underarms with rubbing alcohol. However, the interesting thing is that after my body got through the detox I wasn’t noticing much, if any, stink from my underarms. Note that I was doing this in the August summer heat. One day I was outside most of the day building a wheelchair ramp and was sweating heavily but couldn’t detect any underarm odor. I could probably have sped up the detox even more by spending some time in a sauna.

My motivation for this was to improve my health. I was converting all my personal care products to more natural chemical-free versions. Some people notice significant health improvements when doing this. I didn’t notice any improvements myself but plan to continue using natural products.

I was so surprised by the absence of a stink that I wondered to myself why I had even been wearing an antiperspirant for so many years. However, I did notice that on days when I cheated on my normal healthy diet, and ate sugary items, I did stink more.

The only disadvantage I noticed was that my underarms were a little sticky even though they smelled fine. So, I have started using an unscented deodorant cream made with organic ingredients. It is made by the Little Seed Farm and I ordered it on Amazon. It prevents the sticky feeling.

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